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This Month's Events
Hey! We are happy you are here! Here is what we are up this month (MAKE SURE TO SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN TO NOT MISS ANYTHING)
VBS June 3rd-6th & BBQ on 7th

VBS Monday- Wednesday:
Dinner at 5:30pm | Start: 6pm | End: 8:30pm
Register your kid by clicking this link
We will host a fun family BBQ in the park from 5pm! There will be lots of food and lots of fun!
Tuesday Night Prayer

Every Tuesday Night join us in Prayer at 6pm. This is one of the most important things our Church can do together.

Every Tuesday Night from 6-7:30pm. A fun and eventful bible study for children who are potty trained through middle school! Learn to memorize your bible while having lots of fun!
Grandma's Group

Every Tuesday morning from 9:30am- 11am. Join the group in going through various bible studies with lots of laughter. This group takes care of one another and loves one another! Reach out to Pastor Zach for more information (970)210-8593
City Gates

Where the younger and older men can meet together and ask each other questions and give advice. Third Saturday of the month at 10am. Reach out to Pastor Zach or more information (970)210-8593
Men's Breakfast

Men meet once a month on the first Saturday of the month at 8am. Call Pastor Zach for more information
Soup Night Every Third Sunday

September 17th @ Heart of Junction Fellowship Hall
Bring some soup to share and enjoy fellowship with your HOJ church family.
McGown's Small Group

Every Wednesday Night at 6pm. Contact our Pastor for more information: (970) 589-9440
Zach's Sunday School Class

Sunday morning at 9:15 am at Heart of Junction in the Blue Room.
Tucker's Small Group

Every Wednesday Night at 6:30pm. Contact our Pastor for more information: (970)589-9440
Peace Quilters

Join this group to have fun doing quilting projects with purpose. These quilts are often donated to various organizations in town including the foster homes. For more information reach out to Pastor Darrin
Herb's Sunday School Class

Sunday morning at 9:15am at Heart of Junction upstairs.
Blythe's Sunday School Class

Sunday morning at 9:15am at Heart of Junction in the Fellowship Hall. We are going through a series on Fasting
Heart & Soul Dinners

Join us in fellowship by eating dinner or hosting dinner with our church family! The dinners are on Friday for the last Sunday of the month. Please contact Pastor (970)589-9440 to join.
Youth Group

Every Sunday night at 6pm at Heart of Junction. Contact Blythe at (970)424-2198.